Říp is the mountain in the place where the first Slavic tribe, led by Forefather Čech, settled. According to the Chronicle of Dalimil from 1310, when Čech and his people climbed Říp Mountain, he looked upon the landscape and told his brothers that they have reached the promised land: „We have a country at our will, here will be our tables always full, enough of wild animals, birds, fish, bees and hardness against enemies.
Moreover, on the weekend of the trip there will also be the Říp festival with traditional attractions accompanied by a rich program and music! Come with us to this unforgettable event, explore this traditional Czech place or just have fun and take a rest from school at this festival! The price includes travelling and entrance costs.

Czech Republic
170 CZK
  • An ESNcard of this section required.
  • Everyone is invited.